Thursday, November 18, 2010

Is It Important To Always By Hormone Free Eggs?

SOPAF to sign agreement with banks on debt, flies

LONDON, November 18 (Reuters) - Sopaf (SPFI.MI: Quote ) confirms in a statement today that the Board address the issue of debt and that the agreements with the banks will be signed later.

The title at the Milan Stock reacts with a jump at around 9.50 and scored an increase of 9.66% to 0.0965 euro.

"With reference to article appeared in the newspaper Il Sole 24 Ore today titled 'Between Sopaf and banks agreement made on debt ', Sopaf confirm that the contents reflect the same, albeit incomplete, the arguments that will be screened at the meeting of the Board to be held today and the fact that those agreements with the bank will be next class signature by the banks, "the statement said.

The newspaper writes today that Sopaf and the creditor banks would be on the verge of signing the framework agreement on rescheduling of debt finance. After finding an agreement maximum several weeks ago, in these last days would be put in place the details of the agreement.

terms, continues the paper, provide un riassetto all'interno di un piano triennale in due mosse: il riscadenziamento di 75 milioni di debito e la cessione di asset non strategici per un valore più o meno pari al debito da rimodulare.

"Seguirà tempestivamente un comunicato stampa relativo alle delibere assunte dal consiglio e alla conclusione degli accordi", conclude la nota.


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