MILANO, 18 novembre (Reuters) - Il gruppo Borletti guarda con interesse a Coin (GCN.MI: Quotazione ) ma non ha ancora preso una decisione al riguardo, in quanto sta studiando altre opportunità e deve scegliere which to pursue.
He says in a statement emailed to Reuters Maurizio Borletti.
"Coin is certainly an area that interests us. It 's a success story with a strong management that has been able to handle before its turnaround, and then run very well with the integration after the merger Upim" , Borletti said, noting that "through the merger of Upim we are also indirectly already shareholders of Gruppo Coin."
There are then added to the farmer whose family is among the other members of Rinascente, "the foundations for our interest but we have not yet made a final decision to do so. We are actually considering other opportunities and we must decide what to pursue. "
Last December Coin has reached an agreement with the shareholders of Rinascente for the acquisition of 100% of the retail chain Upim which provided for the allocation to shareholders Upim of a stake in Coin.
Yesterday Financière Tintoretto has resolved to embark on a process with the possible disposal of its stake in Coin, providing that the selection of the buyer can take place before the first quarter of 2011.
Currently, the controlling stake in Coin headed by PAI Partners and is gathered in the holding Financière Tintoretto, in cui hanno una partecipazione di minoranza anche esponenti della famiglia Coin.
Nelle settimane scorse, secondo quanto riferito da diverse fonti e in alcuni casi dagli stessi interessati, si sono fatti avanti per Coin diversi operatori di private equity, fra i quali Apax, Carlyle, Clessidra, Cinven e la coppia Investindustrial-Tpg.
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