Wednesday, December 22, 2010

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ASSET ALLOCATION ITALY - Poll Reuters Lipper December

Più gestori prevedono di aumentare rischio nel breve

* Più ottimismo per bond emergenti

* Aumenta peso materie prime, ciclici

MILANO, 22 dicembre (Reuters) - Portafogli stabili in vista della chiusura del 2010, ma il rischio è destinato ad aumentare con l'anno nuovo.

I gestori che hanno partecipato al sondaggio prenatalizio Reuters-Lipper continuano in larga parte a sovrappesare l'azionario e a sottopesare l'obbligazionario. La propensione al rischio è destinata tuttavia a salire con l'anno prossimo: si moltiplicano infatti quanti dichiarano di voler aumentare l'esposizione all'azionario nei prossimi tre mesi, riducendo parallelamente il peso del debito in portafoglio.

Un incremento che, in un orizzonte di breve periodo, dovrebbe riguardare tutte le piazze azionarie globali, quelle emergenti in misura leggermente maggiore.

L'indagine di dicembre, a cui hanno preso parte otto primari asset manager attivi in Italia, conferma la fotografia del mese scorso in termini di allocazione aggregata: l'equity continua a rappresentare poco meno del 52% degli attivi medi di un portafoglio bilanciato (il 51% se si considera la mediana), l'obbligazionario in media il 40,75% (40% con la mediana) e la liquidità un abbondante 6%. "L'idea di fondo è che vedremo un 2011 positivo per l'equity - come avvenuto nella seconda parte del 2010 - innanzitutto for fundamental reasons, "said Nicola Trivelli, Director of Investment Management Sella citing assessments" not excessive, in some interesting cases. "The abundant liquidity in the markets, guaranteed by the accommodating policies of major central banks, bond and a more negative scenario, according to the manager, "will move the flows on the stock market."

The world's stock markets are preparing to close the year with earnings just over 9% after more than 30% in 2009, the year of market recovery after the collapse due to financial and economic crisis. The emerging lists today showed an increase of approximately 13.5% from +74.5% last year.

Fra le piazze azionarie si conferma la preferenza per le borse emergenti e i listini del Vecchio Continente.

Anche se in Credit Suisse AM sgr, proprio nell'ultima settimana, "abbiamo iniziato a prendere profitto sui mercati emergenti perchè in chiave tattica crediamo ci sia spazio di crescita per i mercati occidentali, in particolare per quello europeo che attualmente tratta ad appena 10 volte gli utili prospettici", ha detto il senior portfolio manager Francesco Fonzi.


Dicembre vede alcuni modesti aggiustamenti sulla componente obbligazionaria dei portafogli: in attesa che vengano definiti gli ultimi tasselli della strategia della Banca centrale europea in risposta alle crescenti tensioni debitorie nei paesi periferici, aumenta il numero dei gestori underweight sui bond della zona euro, salendo a metà del campione.

"Siamo in fase di revisione per l'asset allocation del 2011 per l'incertezza in chiusura d'anno dal punto di vista della politica della Bce, in particolare per quanto riguarda gli Eurobond e il ruolo della Bce nell'acquisto dei titoli", dice Trivelli. "Vediamo un ruolo determinante della politica europea per uscire da questa crisi", aggiunge.

Una cautela, quella sull'obbligazionario dell'area euro, designed in some cases to be confirmed in the next three months compared to last month, in fact, some thought to reduce operator exposure to the region but also the weight of Treasury overseas.

dell'obbligazionario prospects for next year are otherwise gloomy and many asset managers will enter the new year with a portfolio focused on the short end of the curve.

With the euro area sovereign debt crisis that exploded first in Greece and then in Ireland, Pioneer Investments has rethought the overall management dell'obbligazionario underweight country governments "core" rate risk and for giving more space to credit. To Fonzi, always di più la ricerca di rendimento sui mercati obbligazionari andrà fatta assumendosi un rischio maggiore e puntando quindi su corporate anche ad alto rendimento ("high yield"). Con il progressivo restringimento dei differenziali di rendimento con i titoli di stato (spread), anche l'appeal del credito si è affievolito e nel sondaggio spunta un fund manager che, nei prossimi tre mesi, pensa di ridurre l'esposizione alle emissioni societarie.

Nota positiva solo per il debito emergente: a dicembre aumenta infatti il numero dei gestori in sovrappeso sui bond asiatici, dell'America Latina e dell'Europa orientale.


allocation by sector recorded a further increase of overweight on the sector linked to the performance of raw materials, preferred by most operators.

He produced "commodity," according to the managers, is destined to remain one of the central themes of investment next year.

"The raw materials will probably continue to rise, with particularly favorable for industrial metals (copper, aluminum, lead) that have made a total of less well-agricultural goods," says Fonzi.

Trivelli expects "a little 'volatility on materie di base ma vediamo margini di apprezzamento", ha detto.

Aumenta il peso sul settore dei ciclici, mentre metà del campione continua poi a sottopesare bancari e immobiliare, sovrappesando industriali, IT e servizi ciclici.

La crisi irlandese, con la riesplosione delle tensioni legate al rischio sovrano nell'area euro, ha fatto tornare le banche nell'occhio del ciclone.

"I bancari sono stati penalizzati dalla crisi debitoria europea sia perchè detengono titoli di stato sia perchè la loro espansione è avvenuta proprio sui mercati dell'area euro e a quelli sono maggiormente esposti in termini di credito", explained by Pioneer Investments.

Sella Management continues to encourage consumption, not just those of emerging countries that inflate the turnover of European exporters, but also those of core areas. Asset management is rather negative on the financial sector back from two months now.

"The future growth of the margins is limited and the application of Basel III will lead to increases in capital," said Trivelli. "The combination of these two factors will compress Roe and this is a structurally negative factor."

The full text of this and other site searches

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WALLET-Bond with Inflation expectations more volatility curve

MILANO, 22 dicembre (Reuters) - Il rischio inflazione non agita le notti dei gestori, rimanendo per il momento confinato ai paesi emergenti. Ma le aspettative di rialzo dei prezzi, che potrebbero iniziare a prendere corpo nella seconda metà dell'anno prossimo, imporranno una maggiore volatilità sulle scadenze lunghe dei mercati obbligazionari occidentali, condizionando le gestioni.

Ne sono convinti alcuni gestori che hanno partecipato al consueto sondaggio mensile Reuters-Lipper.

"Oggi l'inflazione non è il problema principale, anche perchè le banche centrali stanno agendo per contrastare il rischio di deflazione", ricorda Nicola Trivelli, direttore investimenti di Sella Gestioni. "Ma nei paesi emergenti il tema dei prezzi sta diventando centrale, come ad esempio in Cina".

"Il vero pericolo è l'inflazione dei mercati emergenti", fa eco Francesco Fonzi, senior portfolio manager di Credit Suisse AM sgr, ricordando che in Cina l'inflazione è passata dall'1,5% del mese di gennaio (minimo di periodo), al 5,1% di novembre soprattutto per effetto del rincaro dei beni agricoli.

La politica restrittiva avviata a inizio 2010 nei paesi emergenti - e in Asia in particolare - secondo il gestore avrebbe dovuto concludersi con l'estate.

"But the evidence after the summer show that this monetary tightening was not enough, this can be an element of concern for Western countries to the extent that close could impose a more robust global economic slowdown," Fonzi noted.

steepening CAN BEND IN PART 2011.

offer plenty of money the Federal Reserve and the planned six months of "quantitative easing" should end with the upward pressure on food prices in the United States, returning them "toward that 3-4% we saw in the last cycle expansion of the 2000s, "said Fonzi.

Le aspettative di inflazione inizieranno ad aumentare prima, in concomitanza con i primi passi di normalizzazione della politica monetaria e di ritorno alla crescita negli Stati Uniti.

"Presumibilmente, nella seconda parte dell'anno, si potrebbe assistere ad un irripidimento della curva dei rendimenti sia negli Usa che in Europa", ipotizza il gestore.

Anche per Pioneer Investments, dove già i portafogli sono scarichi di governativi delle due sponde dell'Atlantico, si tornerà a parlare di inflazione non prima del secondo semestre 2011.

"Forse questo sarà il tema nuovo del 2011: politiche monetarie così espansive che ci does not take much because people start to believe that inflation is starting to climb, "said dall'asset manager of UniCredit Group (CRDI.MI: Quote )." does not make sense because otherwise the U.S. thirty years has risen by about a percentage point from September, with a parallel movement even on the Bund in spite of the sovereign debt crisis. "

business opportunity for someone like Sella manager, has already begun to incorporate inflation-linked bonds in the portfolios," even at a rate of 10-15%, as stated in drills. "They work by hedging the risk of a rise in market interest rates on the medium-long," he adds. The normalization of prices could not be seen in a bad eye, given the recent explosion of public debt.

"I do not expect too permissive policies, but there may be a less rigid than normal," hypothesizes Trivelli. "During the year I expect to see inflation back in line the ECB target of 2%, maybe with some points above this level, especially if the euro remains weak."

The full survey of asset allocation in December will be released today at 15.

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2011 Ubi emissions but will not reimburse investors up to spread

LONDON, December 22 (Reuters) - UBI Bank (UBI.MI: Quote ) does not make repayment of innovative capital instruments are still in circulation for € 453.46 million in assets counted in the base and increase the spread for investors to levels in line with the emission with broadly similar characteristics.

The news comes a note from the company in relation to the three issues identified by ISIN code XS0123998394, XS0108805564 and XS0131512450. Holders will receive an adjustment of the spread to +594 bps from the dates of the 2011 call.

Such securities are: Banca Popolare di Bergamo Capital Trust with the date of first call 15 febbraio 2011; Banca Lombarda Preferred con data prima call 10 marzo 2010; e Banca Pop. Commercio e Industria Capital Trust con data prima call 27 giugno 2011.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

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Bank of America and Citigroup

PIMCO (Pacific Investment Management Co.) consiglia sul canale Bloomberg TV l'acquisto di due bond emessi da due banche americane che, a detta di Mark Kiesel, capo del Corporate Bond Management di PIMCO, saranno la rivelazione del prossimo anno. Tutto il settore bancario sarà, nel 2011, sotto i riflettori a seguito della prevista accelerazione dell'economia americana (PIMCO prevede una crescita tra il 3% ed il 3,5% del PIL americano).
The two banks are: Bank of America and Citigroup, which you see the graphics on the side.
The prices of bonds issued by the two banks are considered very attractive in comparison to those of bonds issued by any other bank in the world scene.
Friday Bank of America sold $ 1.5 billion of bonds in its first issue for four months now. For further information go to

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Quants: The Alchemists of Wall Street (Marije Meerman, VPRO Backlight 2010)

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UBI Banca: Fitch cut its rating to "A "Interest Legal

Fitch cut its rating to UBI Banca from "A +" to "A" with stable outlook.
The decision " reflects the continued pressure on operating income in the current context of UBI Banca .

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From 1 January 2011, the legal interest rate provided for by .1284 of the Civil Code will rise by 50 bp carrying 1, 5% per annum based on the Decree of the Ministry of ' Economics December 7, 2010, published in the Official Gazette No. 292, Dec. 15.

Friday, December 17, 2010

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Gewurztraminer Crescendo DOC 2008 - Ritterhof

Caldaro. Clima "mediterraneo". Strada del vino. Al civico 1 troviamo la cantina Ritterhof. L'azienda, di proprietà dei Roner, già famosi distillatori, è sinonimo di costanza nella qualità in fatto di produzione di vino altoatesino.
Il gewurztraminer della linea Crescendo proviene da terreni ciottolosi e ricchi di scheletro. L'escursione termica, dettata proprio dalla vicinanza del lago, aiuta l'uva a maturare perfettamente e ad estrarre i profumi migliori. Il vino , dopo una macerazione a freddo di circa 7 ore, vinifica e affina in acciaio sui propri lieviti.
Ha il colore dell'oro, brillante e consistente. Al naso seduce per la complessità e la finezza. Rosa gialla su tutti, poi litchi, melone giallo, passiflora, note di zenzero e cannella; il tutto è racchiuso da eleganti richiami di lavanda. Il sorso si distingue per la morbidezza, la ricchezza, la scia fresca e speziata. Meno incisiva invece la mineralità che però non incide sulla piacevolezza del vino. Da abbinare crab with ginger.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

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Rosso di Montalcino DOC 2007 - Gianni Brunelli The closed bottom

Two years after the untimely death of the late Gianni Brunelli, the company has pursued with great skill by his wife Laura.

Its Brunello, great, we know already. Nevertheless, no less than other products, such as Rosso di Montalcino, vintage 2007. A wine made with heart, skill, love for his Montalcino.

The grapes for this wine come from marly and with a strong presence of marl. Low yields, hand picking and after 12 days of maceration, the wine is aged for 8 months in oak barrels.

Bel bright ruby \u200b\u200bcolor with a delicate, with hints of garnet on the edges. Expressing olfactory sensations enveloping notes of sour cherry and violet, cast in a warm embrace of chocolate, orange, sweet and spicy sensations of Mediterranean. Soft palate, juicy and pleasant freshness. Completely balanced, the tannins gently slips away. It 's good, cheap, is made by people who know the earth and above all .. respects. How not to match it with a juicy grilled steak?

Monday, December 13, 2010

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Eurostoxx 50 ......

"The Stoxx was now leaning against the POC important (red line) in 2844. After being an attractor for the long term, this level (2844) did support today on the descent: the POC "seems" he's turning into repellers. "
From site TheHawkTrader

Friday, December 3, 2010

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Wednesday, December 1, 2010

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IGT San Leonardo 2001 - Tenuta San Leonardo

La Tenuta San Leonardo si trova ad Avio (TN) e le sue origini sembra risalgano al 900 DC, quando il vescovo di Verona concesse in usufrutto alcune terre al vescovo di Trento nella zona della Val Lagarina al confine con il veronese.
Solo alcuni secoli dopo fu grazie ai Frati Crociferi che la tenuta divenne centro di allevamento della vite.
Con il trascorrere del tempo la famiglia Guerrieri Gonzaga divenne proprietaria della tenuta nel 1784.
Oggi San Leonardo è una grande realtà per territorio, tradizione e cultura.
In questo scenario viene prodotto uno dei più grandi vini a taglio bordolese (Cabernet Sauvignon, Cabernet Franc, Merlot), il San Leonardo appunto.

Ho avuto l'occasione di degustare l'annata 2001, fantastica tra l'altro.

Questo vino è prodotto solo in annate ritenute all'altezza di dare un prodotto di qualità eccellente e di grandissima personalità.

Vendemmia attentissima con selezione dei grappoli fatta manualmente; diraspapigiatura soffice, follature frequenti, inizia la maturazione in tini di rovere, poi 2 anni in barrique (2°e 3° passaggio). Si eleva per circa 18 mesi in bottiglia.

Nel bicchiere il vino è di un vivace colore granato. Il naso è tutto un programma: piacevolissime note di frutti di bosco, prugna disidratata, arancia amara, chinotto, pout pourri, cipria, muschio bianco, tabacco, after eight .. and all this in perfect correspondence taste and smell. The taste is broad, enveloping the palate expands to all lined relentlessly and with extreme elegance. Tannin masterful arrembante freshness and long finish, ending with return of myrtle retrolfazione.
to drink, at all times.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

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ITALY - Poll Reuters Lipper November 2010

* Seven out of eight managers overweight equity

* Slight increase in caution on Wall Street

* Commodities are confirmed favorite area

Maria Pia Quaglia

LONDON, Nov. 30 (Reuters) - Increases yet the risk exposure in the portfolios of November, a month that began with the second episode of "quantitative easing" of the Federal Reserve and that precipitated the debt crisis has seen Ireland until you save weblog EU / IMF agreed Sunday 28 with the authorities in Dublin.

The latest poll Reuters Lipper, which was attended by eight leading asset manager active in Italy, it shows a further strengthening of the average shareholder in the portfolio (from 50.6% to 51.8% and 51% median) at the expense of bonds (down an average of 40.75% from 41.6% and 40% of median).

The survey does not yet reflect all the increase of tension related to sovereign risk and the Irish contagioche fears have again made a strong aversion to risk and increased volatility. "We're trying to assess what the EU is evolving in the Irish crisis and the possible contagion effect," said Mark Bonifacio, manager of Zenit SGR.

aftermath of the rescue Irish VDAX volatility index touched the highest in three months, proving that the measures in favor of Dublin have not alleviated the fear of a domino effect for other countries with high debt.

But Sergio Bertoncini, Amundi strategist, said: "It is true that on the equity implied volatility is lower than in April and May because we now have the tools per far fronte a problemi" rispetto all'escalation della crisi greca della primavera scorsa.

Sul fronte macro, l'economia ha continuato a dare nuove conferme di miglioramento e gli investitori sembrano essersi gettati definitivamente alle spalle lo spettro di un doppio minimo di recessione.

"Negli Stati Uniti i dati economici sono stati migliori delle attese", prosegue lo strategist di Amundi. "La Fed ha immesso liquidità in una fase in cui l'economia si sta riprendendo dal rallentamento visto l'estate scorsa".


Nell'indagine di novembre sovrappesano l'equity tutti i partecipanti eccetto uno e le piazze azionarie preferite si confermano quelle dell'area euro e dell'America Latina con un incremento del numero di gestori in sovrappeso sull'Asia-Pacifico. Parallelamente si assiste ad un ridimensionamento, pur di modesta entità, su Wall Street: scendono a tre da quattro gli investitori in overweight sui listini newyorchesi e anche l'allocazione aggregata registra una riduzione media a 15,4% da 16,3% e a 16,5% da 17,5% in mediana.

In direzione opposta Amundi che, rispetto a ottobre, ha incrementato leggermente l'esposizione all'azionario, aumentando proprio la parte Usa.

"L'equity statunitense è meno esposto alla volatilità e ai rischi sovrani Ue", fa notare lo strategist. "L'anno prossimo ci saranno strette di budget in tutti i paesi Ue, anche in Germania, e quindi la crescita frenerà e anche per questo preferiamo le borse emergenti e Wall Street", ha aggiunto, ricordando che le valutazioni restano interessanti e che la stagione delle trimestrali ha evidenziato buoni risultati su entrambe le sponde dell'Atlantico.


Nessuna novità, rispetto al mese scorso, sul fronte degli investimenti in reddito fisso se non una maggiore cautela sul debito dell'Eurozona: salgono infatti a three by two managers who are underweight bonds EU, a move that is confirmed in allocating aggregate, fell an average of 32.75% from 34.25% and 34.5% from 35% based on the median.

The vast majority of participants continues to underweight Treasuries and gilts, while half of the sample confirms the corporate overweight. Among these, figure Amundi.

"In many cases, corporate peripheral countries have done better than peripheral government and I think in particular to Spain," Bertoncini said.

Zenit, however, is thinking of investing in corporate issues.

"Stiammo riducendo il sovrappeso sui corporate perchè gli spread si sono ridotti", ha detto Bonifacio. Alla caccia di rendimento, Zenit sgr si sta spostando "su corporate tipo tripla B, nella parte low end dell'investment grade"; inoltre "abbiamo iniziato a guardare negli ultimi mesi, e a introdurre selettivamente, posizioni sugli emergenti soprattutto attraverso fondi per la solidità delle finanze pubbliche di questi paesi".

Confermata anche l'allocazione settoriale, con una predilezione per le materie prime e, in seconda battuta, industriali, servizi ciclici e IT. Bancari e immobiliari restano i settori più sottopesati.

"Ci piacciono i settori industriali e dei beni di investimento, the EU exposed to emerging consumer cyclical, but this is more the result of the selection of individual securities that sectoral choices real, "Bertoncini said.

Zenit confirmed until later this year, the benefit to consumer goods and industrial, both linked to the cycle, while in the U.S. the focus is primarily on technology.

"Compared to the answers of the questionnaire, we have reduced recently in Europe on anything financial - where we were underweight - and we sold some selectively title that being among the most cyclical point of view of profit taking, "said Boniface.

The full text of this and other site searches

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

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kicks off brand "products of Puglia" In

It ended the trial of the brand "products of Puglia.
Coming farms will use the trademark on its products that will mean to identify, track and trace the chain of production
In order to affix the label on their products, food companies must adhere to the regulations published by the EC and already experienced in recent months on some products.
guarantees more so for those who buy and market advantages for the seller.
for each product will be provided a fact sheet that will provide the necessary guides to indicate the quality, characteristics, process di produzione, il confezionamento e la vendita dei prodotti.
Il Marchio verrà lanciato ufficialmente il 15 dicembre 2010

Thursday, November 18, 2010

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the arrival of Castagnole Monferrato DOCG Ruchè

Dopo il riconoscimento della Docg avvenuto per l'Erbaluce di Caluso lo scorso ottobre (8 ottobre 2010 ndr), anche un altro vitigno piemontese, il Ruchè di Castagnole Monferrato, potrebbe presto assumere la Denominazione di Origine Controllata e Garantita.
La proposta prevede che per fregiarsi della Docg il vino dovrà avere almeno il 95% di uve Ruchè prodotte nei comuni di Castagnole Monferrato, Renfrancore, Scurzolengo, Viarigi, Grana, Montemagno e Portacomaro, tutte in provincia di Asti.
La resa dovrà essere non superiore agli 85 quintali per ha, eccezion fatta per la menzione aggiuntiva di "vigna" in etichetta per la quale la resa dovrà essere al massimo di 76 quintali per ha.

addition, the maturation must meet the following periods respectively for each type of wine:
Ruchè Castagnole Monferrato: 3 months minimum;
Ruchè Castagnole Monferrato top : 12 months minimum;
Ruchè Castagnole Monferrato Passito : 6 months minimum ;

The minimum alcohol content must be as follows:
Ruchè Castagnole Monferrato: 12 degrees;
Ruchè Castagnole Monferrato vineyard : 12.5 degrees;
Ruchè di Castagnole Monferrato superiore : 12,5 gradi;
Ruchè di Castagnole Monferrato Passito : 18 gradi.

Non ci resta che attendere...

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SOPAF to sign agreement with banks on debt, flies

LONDON, November 18 (Reuters) - Sopaf (SPFI.MI: Quote ) confirms in a statement today that the Board address the issue of debt and that the agreements with the banks will be signed later.

The title at the Milan Stock reacts with a jump at around 9.50 and scored an increase of 9.66% to 0.0965 euro.

"With reference to article appeared in the newspaper Il Sole 24 Ore today titled 'Between Sopaf and banks agreement made on debt ', Sopaf confirm that the contents reflect the same, albeit incomplete, the arguments that will be screened at the meeting of the Board to be held today and the fact that those agreements with the bank will be next class signature by the banks, "the statement said.

The newspaper writes today that Sopaf and the creditor banks would be on the verge of signing the framework agreement on rescheduling of debt finance. After finding an agreement maximum several weeks ago, in these last days would be put in place the details of the agreement.

terms, continues the paper, provide un riassetto all'interno di un piano triennale in due mosse: il riscadenziamento di 75 milioni di debito e la cessione di asset non strategici per un valore più o meno pari al debito da rimodulare.

"Seguirà tempestivamente un comunicato stampa relativo alle delibere assunte dal consiglio e alla conclusione degli accordi", conclude la nota.

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Coin title, sector, we are interested but still no decision-Borletti

MILANO, 18 novembre (Reuters) - Il gruppo Borletti guarda con interesse a Coin (GCN.MI: Quotazione ) ma non ha ancora preso una decisione al riguardo, in quanto sta studiando altre opportunità e deve scegliere which to pursue.

He says in a statement emailed to Reuters Maurizio Borletti.

"Coin is certainly an area that interests us. It 's a success story with a strong management that has been able to handle before its turnaround, and then run very well with the integration after the merger Upim" , Borletti said, noting that "through the merger of Upim we are also indirectly already shareholders of Gruppo Coin."

There are then added to the farmer whose family is among the other members of Rinascente, "the foundations for our interest but we have not yet made a final decision to do so. We are actually considering other opportunities and we must decide what to pursue. "

Last December Coin has reached an agreement with the shareholders of Rinascente for the acquisition of 100% of the retail chain Upim which provided for the allocation to shareholders Upim of a stake in Coin.

Yesterday Financière Tintoretto has resolved to embark on a process with the possible disposal of its stake in Coin, providing that the selection of the buyer can take place before the first quarter of 2011.

Currently, the controlling stake in Coin headed by PAI Partners and is gathered in the holding Financière Tintoretto, in cui hanno una partecipazione di minoranza anche esponenti della famiglia Coin.

Nelle settimane scorse, secondo quanto riferito da diverse fonti e in alcuni casi dagli stessi interessati, si sono fatti avanti per Coin diversi operatori di private equity, fra i quali Apax, Carlyle, Clessidra, Cinven e la coppia Investindustrial-Tpg.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

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ECB: Economic Bulletin for November. Editorial

Based on its regular economic and monetary analyses, the Governing Council continues to view the current key ECB interest rates as appropriate. It therefore decided to leave them unchanged. Taking into account all the new information and analyses which have become available since its meeting on 7 October 2010, the Governing Council continues to expect
price developments to remain moderate over the policy-relevant medium-term horizon. Recent economic data are consistent with the Governing Council’s assessment that the underlying momentum of the recovery remains positive.
At the same time, uncertainty is prevailing. The monetary analysis confirms that inflationary pressures over the medium term remain contained. The Governing Council expects price stability to be maintained over the medium term, thereby supporting the purchasing power of euro area households. Inflation expectations remain firmly anchored in line with the aim of keeping inflation rates below, but close to, 2% over the medium term. The firm anchoring of inflation expectations remains of the essence.
Overall, the current monetary policy stance remains accommodative. The stance, the provision of liquidity and the allotment modes will be adjusted as appropriate, taking into account the fact that all the non-standard measures taken during the period of acute financial market tensions are fully consistent with the ECB’s mandate and, by construction, temporary in nature. Accordingly, the Governing Council will continue to monitor all developments over the period ahead very closely.
Turning to the economic analysis, recent data releases and survey evidence generally confirm that the positive underlying momentum of the economic recovery in the euro area remains in place. In line with previous expectations, this implies ongoing real GDP growth in the second half of this year. The global recovery is expected to proceed, and this should imply a continued positive impact on the demand for euro area exports. At the same time, private sector
domestic demand should contribute to growth, supported by the accommodative monetary policy stance and the measures adopted to restore the functioning of the financial system.
However, the recovery in activity is expected to be dampened by the process of balance sheet adjustment in various sectors.
In the Governing Council’s assessment, the risks to this economic outlook are still slightly tilted to the downside, with uncertainty prevailing. On the one hand, global trade may continue to grow more rapidly than expected, thereby supporting euro area exports. On the other hand, some concerns remain relating to the re-emergence of tensions in financial markets. In addition, downside risks relate to renewed increases in oil and other commodity prices, protectionist pressures, and the possibility of a disorderly correction of global imbalances.
With regard to price developments, as anticipated, euro area annual HICP inflation rose to 1.9% in October, according to Eurostat’s flash estimate, compared with 1.8% in September. In the next few months HICP inflation rates will hover around current levels before moderating again in the course of next year. Overall, in 2011 inflation rates should remain moderate.
Inflation expectations over the medium to longer term continue to be fi rmly anchored in line with the Governing Council’s aim of keeping inflation rates below, but close to, 2% over the medium term.
Risks to the outlook for price developments are slightly tilted to the upside. They relate, in particular, to the evolution of energy and non-oil commodity prices. Furthermore, increases in
indirect taxation and administered prices may be greater than currently expected, owing to the need for fiscal consolidation in the coming years. At the same time, risks to domestic price and cost developments are still expected to be contained.
Turning to the monetary analysis, the annual growth rate of M3 was broadly unchanged, at 1.0% in September 2010, after 1.1% in August. The annual growth rate of loans to the private sector, at 1.2%, remained unchanged from August. Looking beyond developments in individual months, broad money and loan growth remains low and continues to support the assessment that the underlying pace of monetary expansion is moderate and that inflationary pressures over the medium term are contained.
The annual growth rate of M1 has continued to moderate, standing at 5.9% in September 2010, while the annual growth rate of other short-term deposits has become less negative. This reflects the widening spread between interest rates paid on short-term time deposits and those paid on overnight deposits.
The annual growth rate of bank loans to the private sector is increasingly supported by the flow of loans to non-financial corporations.
The annual growth rate of these loans is still slightly negative, but developments in recent months suggest that a turning point was reached earlier in 2010. This would be consistent with the lagged response of loan developments to economic activity over the business cycle that was also observed in past cycles. The annual growth rate of loans to households stood at 2.8% in September and thereby remained at levels seen in previous months.
Banks have continued to gradually increase the weight of credit to the private sector in the overall size of their balance sheets, but the challenge remains to expand the availability of such credit when demand picks up further.
Where necessary, to address this challenge, banks should retain earnings, turn to the market to strengthen further their capital bases or take full advantage of government support measures for recapitalisation.
To sum up, the current key ECB interest rates remain appropriate. The Governing Council therefore decided to leave them unchanged.
Taking into account all the new information and analyses which have become available since its meeting on 7 October 2010, the Governing Council continues to expect price developments to remain moderate over the policy-relevant medium-term horizon. Recent economic data are consistent with the Governing Council’s assessment that the underlying momentum of the recovery remains positive. At the same time, uncertainty is prevailing. A cross-check of the outcome of the economic analysis with that of the monetary analysis confirms that infl ationary pressures over the medium term remain contained. The Governing Council expects price stability to be maintained over the medium term, thereby supporting the purchasing power of euro area households. Inflation expectations remain firmly anchored in line with the aim of keeping inflation rates below, but close to, 2% over the medium term. The firm anchoring of inflation expectations remains of the essence.
Turning to fiscal policies, there is a clear need to strengthen public confidence in the capacity of governments to return to sustainable public finances, reduce risk premia in interest rates and thus support sustainable growth over the medium term. To this end, it is essential that countries pursue credible multi-year consolidation plans and fully implement the planned consolidation measures. In their 2011 budgets, they need to specify credible fiscal adjustment measures, focusing on the expenditure side. Any positive fiscal developments that may emerge, reflecting factors such as a more favourable than expected environment, should be exploited to make faster progress with fiscal consolidation.
The urgent implementation of far-reaching structural reforms is essential to enhance the prospects for higher sustainable growth.
Major reforms are particularly necessary in those countries that have experienced a loss of competitiveness in the past or that are suffering from high fiscal and external deficits. The removal of labour market rigidities and the strengthening of productivity growth would further support the adjustment process of these economies. Increasing product market competition, particularly in the services sectors, would also facilitate the restructuring of the economy and encourage innovation and the adoption of new technologies.
At their meeting on 28-29 October 2010 the Heads of State and Government of the European Union agreed on the reform of the EU’s economic governance. The proposals put forward by President Van Rompuy represent a strengthening of the existing framework for fiscal and macroeconomic surveillance in the EU. However, the Governing Council considers that they do not go as far as the quantum leap in the economic governance of Monetary Union that it has been calling for.
In particular, the Governing Council is concerned that there would be insufficient automaticity in
the implementation of fiscal surveillance, that there is no specification of the rule to reduce the government debt ratio, and that financial sanctions have not been explicitly retained under the macroeconomic surveillance procedure.
With regard to the macroeconomic surveillance procedure in particular, the new system of mutual surveillance would need to concentrate firmly on euro area countries experiencing sustained losses of competitiveness and large current account deficits. It should be determined by transparent and effective trigger mechanisms. It would be essential that the assessments of macroeconomic imbalances and recommendations for corrective action be given broad publicity at all stages of the surveillance process.
The public and the markets can be confident that the Governing Council remains firmly committed to delivering on its mandate of maintaining price stability over the medium term.

Sweepstakes Winning Percentages



Mentre cresce leggermente in maniera impercettibile la fiducia dei costruttori in America dopo essere stata rivista al ribasso dalla lettura precedente ecco la prima conferma a quello che vi avevo preannunciato alcuni giorni fa ovvero che il mercato immobiliare la prossima settimana annuncerà l'ennesimo collasso di questa autentica depressione.

Nel sud della California, ovvero Los Angeles, Riverside, San Diego, Ventura, San Bernardino e Orange, le vendite di abitazioni sono collassate di un 7,4 % dal mese precedente portando ad un ulteriore discesa del 24,3 % dall'ottobre dello scorso anno e meno male che il mercato si è ripreso grazie agli stimoli fiscali. Le vendite nella misura del 34,7 % riguardano abitazioni pignorate.

The decrease of 25% per year in sales is widespread, which means further downward pressure on house prices in the coming months and into next year as evidenced by the recent statements by some manufacturers who expect a relapse , a double dip estate next year.


From Icebergfinanza .

Butal Apap325-caff Tab

The debt crisis hits Irish Italian banks

bad stock market institutions that have invested in government securities to inflate profits in times of crisis

Ireland on the edge of the crack. Greece, just escaped bankruptcy, is not likely to restore order in its accounts. While Portugal is obliged to sound the alarm on his budget. In short, it is night on the Euro and Europe. And certainly do not help to defuse the tension of the words spoken yesterday by the EU presidency, Herman Van Rompuy . "The budgetary problems of some countries could put at risk the very survival of the euro," said van Rompuy on the eve of the very important summit Ecofin meeting of finance ministers from the 27 member countries, scheduled for today. The problem is bilancio pubblico irlandese, a rischio default soprattutto a causa dei conti dissestati delle sue principali banche.

A questo punto l’ipotesi in discussione è quella di un’iniezione di liquidità a favore del governo di Dublino gestita dalla Ue. Obiettivo finale: far fronte a una ricapitalizzazione degli istituti di credito in difficoltà. I tedeschi però frenano, mentre i politici irlandesi tentano di sottrarsi alle misure di austerità che sarebbero imposte da Bruxelles in cambio degli aiuti.

Si vedrà, forse già oggi. In Borsa però sanno bene che anche il Portogallo se la passa male e la Grecia è tutt’altro che fuori pericolo. Ma l’effetto domino finisce per colpire anche Spagna e Italia , percepiti come paesi a rischio. Ed ecco che il rinnovato allarme sul debito sovrano innesca un’ondata di ribassi che si concentra in particolare sui titoli finanziari. Innanzitutto le banche, quindi, che perdono terreno a Madrid, come a Parigi e Francoforte. E ovviamente anche a Milano. Dopo i pesanti ribassi di ieri, i titoli degli istituti più importanti oggi in Borsa hanno aperto la seduta con rialzi marginali, quasi sempre inferiori all’1 per cento. Come dire che gli investitori, già pessimisti in partenza sul nostro sistema bancario, adesso che trema l’euro si fidano ancora meno. L’esposizione di queste banche verso i Paesi nella bufera, (Irlanda, Portogallo and Greece) does not seem alarming at the time. Agreement in June (the latest figures available) had in its portfolio securities for Greek 650000000, total assets up to tens of billions. The risk of Monte Paschi Ireland is just over 180 million, while the Banco Popular in Greek bonds held yearly accounts for 83 million.

These are not, however, the numbers put on alert analysts and investors. The fact is that the homegrown banks for a year and more are buying Italian government securities far in excess of the past. The easiest it can be said that the bankers save on loans to customers to accumulate financial assets, mostly government bonds yield and relatively safe high. What we need to boost profits in a period of thin, to say the least, of the traditional. A few examples. In late September Intesa declared assets of 188 billion, almost 20 percent more than the end of 2009. The assets of the Monte dei Paschi, mostly consisting of pate government securities have increased from 38 to 54 billion in the first nine months of this year.

All good, except that the turmoil in financial markets have changed the cards on the table. If there's storm on the euro, Ireland and Greece are afraid if the crash, the risk increases Italy, as evidenced by the increase to record levels of the yield differential between Btp Italian and German bund . End result: the fall of Italian government securities prices, the ones they bought up the banks. In theory, therefore, there is a real possibility that banks will be forced to devalue their assets to align with the new prices. It must be said that the bank managers have fairly broad leeway in accounting classification of the securities in order to avoid heavy losses caused adaptation to market prices.
a closer look, however, emerges from the budgets already given some negative. In the semi-annual update in June, the Monte dei Paschi noted that the net assets of the group was reduced by 881 million to effetto della svalutazione di titoli di stato italiani. E l’effetto negativo è proseguito anche nei mesi estivi se è vero, come risulta dalla relazione trimestrale di settembre, che l’apposita riserva da valutazione si è ridotta di altri 70 milioni circa. Anche nei conti di Intesa questa stessa riserva ha perso circa 180 milioni in nove mesi a causa della svalutazione di titoli in portafoglio. Sono perdite consistenti, ma non drammatiche. Almeno per adesso.

Nel frattempo però la Banca d’Italia ha lanciato un salvagente agli istituti. Un provvedimento ad hoc varato a maggio stabilisce che le minusvalenze sui titoli di Stato dell’area Ue non vanno detratte dal patrimonio di vigilanza, il parametro utilizzato per misurare la solidità dei bilanci. Un aiutino che al momento vale decine di milioni per le banche principali.

Di Vittorio Malagutti dal Fatto Quotidiano del 17 novembre 2010 (aggiornato alle 13.00)