Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Creative - Extigy.for Win 7

La Borgogna che non ti aspetti

Il bello della Borgogna è che ogni produttore ha un suo stile, ogni territorio dona il suo vino con mille sfaccettature, raramente incontriamo vini uguali, moltissimi dotati among other things, a strong personality.

wines I tasted a few days ago I was struck by their great value for money and this is clearly an indication that it is not always necessary to go up high-sounding names to drink great Burgundy wines.

Here are some tasting notes:

Saint Aubin Premier Cru en Remilly 2004 - Marc Colin

Straw crystalline. Nose mineral, citrus, with hints of white peach and loquat; Net hints of flint. On the palate is full, round, firm, broad, with high acidity and long finish.

Auxey Duresses vieilles vignes 2009 - Alain Gras

purple with ruby \u200b\u200bhues, very bright. Scents of iris and fresh red berries such as raspberry, blueberry and blackberry. Excellent correspondence taste and smell of crisp fruit, good acidity and good balance.

Monthélie Premier Cru Sous La Velle 2007 - Eric De Suremain

Rubino clear and bright. Releases intense aromas of wisteria, light incense, balsamic notes of wax. The mouth is clean, fresh, mineral, very vertical. Pleasant returns floral geranium.

Pernand Vergelesses Premier Cru Ile de Vergelesses 2005 - Chandon de Briailles

Ruby with garnet ignition. Nose very floral (wisteria) and then cherry, licorice and spices. Extractivity great, great freshness and sweet tannins.

Marsannay appellation Village Les Echezots 2002 - Bart Domain

Garnet bright. Aromatic notes of cola, tamarind and tobacco, damp scent ferrous in the final. Sip still fresh and fruity, even if it is a bit 'down it is still pleasant to drink.

Bressandes Corton Grand Cru 2001 - Prince Florent de Merode

Garnet red light. Sweet scents, almost cocoa butter, then acrylic accents. In the mouth, the tone is soft, round tannins and vanilla returns. It tends to just sit on the finish.

La Grande Rue Grand Cru Monopole 2006 - Domaine Francois Lamarche.

ruby \u200b\u200bcolor with garnet edges. Nose features aromas of violets, cherry, coffee and menthol. Full-bodied and sip Powerful, yet a bit 'of wood to absorb but it is a wine of great structure.

Monthélie Blanc 1999 - Domaine Dechamps.

Straw intense and bright. Large olfactory aroma of mint, chamomile, sage and rustic notes, great minerality and slight affumicatura.All 'taste is full bodied and spicy with returns in aftertaste of white pepper and lemon. Powerful and substantial with the final ending.


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