Thursday, April 10, 2008

Katesplayground Kate Has A Hoof

call me Louis Rivieccio, I was born in Naples, 03/10/1962.
Only ten years I have learned a trade that over time I like getting in and loved, the "micro-welding torch."
art that today has become one of my reasons for living.

working for many years and in many areas such as; Bijiotteria, silver, working for cribs and more. Today
reproduce parts of my unique and exclusive.
not specifically go back in on something specific, but all that comes to me as an aspiration.

I love working with copper and brass material for me to become the main, by mm, 02, and 04 mm.
In some models finished in wood and leather, to clarify I am not being all handcrafted in thousandths.

Vi vado a dimostrare alcune delle mie umile opere:

                         " La Prima Auto a Benzina"

  Riprodotta in tutto rame e nei minimi particolari,tettuccio e sedile in pura skin

rifinuture small wheels and wood.

Her measurements are;

cm length, 15

cm width, 8

Height cm, 11.

  Nella riproduzione di questo piccolo ma grande elicottero;


ci sono voluti ben cinque e lunghi mesi di duro lavoro.

Tutto in puro ottone e 

rame(cotto e crudo).

Le due pale sono posizionate 

da una semplice 


un facile e comodo trasporto.

Its dimensions are;

cm length, 25

Width cm 7.

The Tram is equal to that of the year 1890 in all its details.

All copper with wood finishes.

Her measurements;

Height, 7

cm length, 20

cm width, 6.

This old;


is reproduced in copper and brass.

Two wheels, handles the steering, the sediolino and pedals are made of wood.

steering, wheels, pedals have their true function.

Her measurements;

Height cm, 8

cm length, 9.

"The Michaudina"

E 'born, 1844, and it is also reproduced in whole copper, wood and brass.

Two wheels, handles the steering, the sediolino and pedals are made of wood.

steering, wheels, pedals have their true function.

Her measurements;

Height, 8

cm length, 12.

This beautiful bench has been built right in the same job as a real blacksmith.

"wagon wheel" all of wood, brass and copper.

turret of the tank;


All copper, reproduced in all its detail.

Her measurements;

cm length, 17

cm width, 6.

Fornacella copper cover all wood.

Ia removable inner pot and the cover has its

funzione di apertura.

La riproduzione puo essere fatta in qualsiasi materiale e di qualsiasi misura.

Griglia per finestre.

Riproduzione in qualsiasi materiale e  di qualsiasi misura.

Antico  " Forno" del pizzaiolo

Her measurements are;

Height, 15

cm width, 11

cm depth, 6.

" The real old kitchen "
This old kitchen, as we see is reproduced in its componentiin only copper.

Her measurements;

Height, 15

cm length, 7

cm depth, 5.

With micro welding and micro-flame going in the reproduction of thousandths.

This tiny Neapolitan coffee maker is the size of mm, 15 but I can

risalire con misure ancora piu piccole.

Nel  creare qualsiasi  vostra richiesta,ma ricordandovi che il mio lavoro vi

si basa esclusivamente su fogli di rame,e non da fusioni o forme.

Ho ancora da definire alcuni pezzi,come il presepe sopra visualizzato,dandovi

l'opportunutà a vostro piacere e a vostro gusto per la conclusione finale.

Potete contattarmi in qualsiasi momento e per qualsiasi domanda,anche per delle

variazioni per gli ogetti che vi ho mostrato.

At number; 331.35.99.757.

Louis Rivieccio
